Success Stories

Lauren from Uplevel shares why she uses Candidate for hiring

A Candidate customer shares why hiring via referrals highlights the soft skills and showcases amazing talent.

Posted September 8, 2022 in Success Stories by Krista Place

Joe, Enterprise Account Manager – Referral Success Story

Joe shares how being referred on the Candidate platform helped him stand out and get a role he loves. He’s a referral success story.

Posted January 22, 2022 in Success Stories by Krista Place

Lauren, Senior Customer Engagement Manager – Referrer Success Story

Lauren shares her advice about referring someone through Candidate and how it’s about more than just the money.

Posted in Success Stories by Krista Place

Christopher, Solutions Architect – Referrer Success Story

Christopher shares how it felt wonderful to make an impactful referral through Candidate and how proud he is to have helped a friend.

Posted January 21, 2022 in Success Stories by Krista Place