Lauren from Uplevel shares why she uses Candidate for hiring

Posted September 8, 2022 in Success Stories by Krista Place

My name is Lauren Franklin. I’m the director of customer engagement at a company called Uplevel. I’ve been using Candidate for several years now, and I cannot say enough good things about how much I love Candidate, as an employer trying to find wonderful talent to join our awesome culture and team.

What I really love most about Candidate

What I really love most about Candidate is just the unique perspective that a referrer can provide for that referral. Often times looking at a LinkedIn, you can’t get a sense of what that person will bring to the job. It’s often just highlights and accomplishments, but some of those soft skills that are so important, especially to smaller companies where you’re on a small team, you’re working really closely together. Often times it’s really hard. So you need people that you know can roll up their sleeves who want to be a team player, and the referrers can really help paint the picture of that. They often know things about these candidates that won’t come across in a LinkedIn profile or bullets on a resume. And that’s what I found to be super helpful, is they can attest to the true character of that person and what they’ll bring to a team.

I know many folks who use Candidate on the employer side are smaller companies where every hire has a unique weight because it is a small team. It matters a lot and Candidate just gives that extra vote of confidence that this person is a great teammate to add because their previous teammate is attesting for them before they even start the interview process. 

My most recent experience hiring with Candidate

My most recent experience hiring with Candidate we hired a technical implementation lead. She has been incredible. I don’t know how we would have found her otherwise. She’s coming from a different part of the country. I don’t know if she would have even heard of Uplevel prior to Candidate. And we just feel so thankful she joined the team. The end to end process even only took a few weeks from when we first got the referral to getting in touch with her to through doing the whole interview process. It might have been about six weeks, which is really fast in the recruiting space. I do think Candidate not only is bringing in top talent, but is able to provide you with the speed. And again at a small company, time is limited, especially at Uplevel. We didn’t even have an H.R. team at the time. So, having them take that weight off my shoulders has been immensely helpful. 

Truly, I can’t say enough good things. I’m happy to provide more examples of how we utilized Candidate. It’s been an incredible journey. We can’t wait to continue to post roles on there and find more amazing talent. 

Do you have a role to fill? Candidate is reimagining the traditional hiring process by connecting employers with qualified referrals beyond their employees’ networks. Post your role for free today.