Lauren, Senior Customer Engagement Manager – Referrer Success Story

Posted January 22, 2022 in Success Stories by Krista Place

“I let her know why I thought she was a great fit with some of the company’s unique aspects, such as the opportunity for growth and a great product.”

Lauren, Senior Customer Engagement Manger

When I saw the role appear on Candidate, I recalled a candidate I had interviewed for a job at my company that ultimately wasn’t the right fit for our position.  Since she was still an exceptional candidate, I reached out to see if she would pursue a different role. I let her know why I thought she was a great fit with some of the company’s unique aspects, such as the opportunity for growth and a great product. She stood out to me from other Customer Success folks because of her passion for what she does and her deep desire to grow. 

Thanks to a tip from Candidate, I asked her to provide me an example that would directly connect her experience to the desired skill sets in the job req to help make the submission stand out.  She gave me a perfect example, which made it easier to draft a personalized recommendation.   

She sent me updates throughout the process, making it easy to cheer her on.  Even better, I felt amazing knowing that I successfully referred someone that was hired. Honestly, the money was motivating when I first learned about Candidate, but the feeling that someone who deserves a cool opportunity landed one ended up being 10x better than the money. 

“Honestly, the money was motivating when I first learned about Candidate, but the feeling that someone who deserves a cool opportunity landed one ended up being 10x better than the money.” 

Lauren, Senior Customer Engagement Manager

My advice for someone considering making a referral, lean on the candidate to tell you what they’re good at to help shape your referral, be their biggest cheerleader throughout the process, and check in to help them feel valued. I was proud to refer her for the role.

Are you interested in helping your network achieve their own success stories? Signup as a Candidate referrer. Employers post open roles only visible to approved referrers; referrers submit their connections for consideration; if a referrer’s candidate is hired, the referrer is rewarded!