Work From Home is Here to Stay

Posted April 1, 2022 in Trends by Jen Lyons

Work from home is no longer just a way of getting through the COVID-19 pandemic. The last few years have proven what forward-thinking companies were claiming: employees who work from home are often happier, healthier, and more efficient than those who come into the office. Not only that, but companies and their employees save significantly by cutting out commuting costs, office rentals, and perks associated with on-site work. Plus, employers can prioritize hiring underrepresented groups when the candidate pool extends beyond those who can report to their office five days a week.

Embracing health and happiness in your work from home space

Remote work allows employees to enjoy flexible hours and set aside quiet working time between meetings. They can take care of their family responsibilities during breaks or recharge in their own space to return with more energy and fresh ideas. According to the Wall Street Journal survey, an incredible 95% of respondents said they want flexible schedules, whether that’s so they can drop the kids off at school themselves or fit in a midday workout. 

When you have your own fully stocked kitchen just down the hall from your home office, it’s easier to choose healthy meals and snacks, and you’re never stuck ordering takeout because you didn’t have time to throw together lunch before your commute. Speaking of that commute, eliminating it can prevent some significant health risks. Time found that commuters can suffer from health risks including increased blood sugar, cholesterol, and risk of anxiety and depression.

Ditching the long drive to and from work is good for your body, and so is getting some exercise throughout the day. With the flexibility of an at-home work schedule, you can incorporate a quick jog or attend a virtual yoga class between meetings.

Saying yes to a more diverse team

When an employer can only hire people who live within a commutable distance of the office—or who can work the traditional nine-to-five—they’re drastically limiting their candidate pool. Remote work greatly increases the playing field, shifting how companies find and connect with candidates. Employers can bring new perspectives to their team by hiring candidates who:

Diverse virtual teams unlock a myriad of perspectives that will enrich your workplace and allow you to become a more appealing, inclusive employer to prospective candidates.

Offering the benefits that will attract high-caliber talent

Transitioning from a large office housing all employees to smaller spaces with reservable offices or desks can considerably reduce operational costs, allowing companies the opportunity to reallocate that spend to other initiatives–including offering more competitive benefits. Additionally, the move away from large, all-in work spaces liberates employers from having to provide “bells and whistles” like espresso bars, snacks, and ping pong tables, freeing up budgets to offer more meaningful, enriching benefits packages. 

Here at Candidate, we work with a lot of companies that have gone remote, and we pay attention to the types of benefits they’re offering their employees. Here are some of the attractive benefits we’re seeing:


Time away from work


As in-person gatherings become safer, companies will have to evaluate how and where their teams will continue to operate and if new positions will be fully remote. Many employees have remote work on their wishlist, either at their current job or when they’re applying somewhere new. According to Gallup, 35% of employees would be willing to change jobs if it gave them the chance to work remotely full time. Remote work is more than just a coping mechanism…it may just be the future of the workplace.

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